
Brief Description :

JNLPDownloadServlet can be used to package a JNLP file and its associated
resources in a Web Archive (.war) file. The purpose of the servlet is to
provide a simple and convenient packaging format for JNLP applications, so they
can be easily deployed in a Web Container, such as Tomcat or a J2EE-compliant
Application Server.

The download servlet supports the following features:

    * Automatic installation of the codebase URL into JNLP files, thus
      eliminating manual management of hard-coded URLs into JNLP files.
    * Explicit specification of the timestamp for a JNLP file, independent of
      the file-system timestamp.
    * Support for download protocols defined in the JNLP specification v1.0.1.
      These include basic download protocol, version-based download protocol,
      and extension download protocol.
    * Version-based information specified per file or per directory in the
      Web archive. Thus, no centralized file needs to be managed for the entire
    * Automatic generation of JARDiff files.
    * pack200-gzip and gzip compression support. You can now host *.jar.pack.gz
      or *.jar.gz files together with you original *.jar files.  If the client
      supports the pack200-gzip or gzip file formats, the servlet will return
      the compressed file if it is available on the server.  Java Web Start 1.5
      supports both compression formats.

The packaging support consists of one servlet: JnlpDownloadServlet. The servlet
is packaged into the jnlp-servlet.jar file, which can be found in the SDK under

Files :

GNUmakefile		- the makefile to build the servlet
jnlp-servlet.jar	- the JNLPDownloadServlet binary
jardiff.jar		- the JarDiff binary
jnlp.jar		- the JNLP API binary
src			- the directory containing the JNLPDownloadServlet
                          source code

Building and Deployment of Servlet :

To build jnlp-servlet.jar and jardiff.jar, run gnumake in the current directory

The following environment variables must be set:

# Environment variable CLASS_PATH should contain the path to javaws.jar (under
# the jre/lib directory) and servlet.jar (You can download the latter from
# http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/, or you can find it in the lib 
# directory of any servlet container implementing the Java Servlet 2.2 
# specification or above; e.g, Tomcat.)
# Environment variable FILE_SEPARATOR should be set: ";" on win32 and ":" on 
# unix).
# Environment variable TMPDIR should point to the tmp directory 
# Environment variable SDK_HOME should point to the SDK directory

If you are running on the windows platform, it is assumed you have the MKS 
Toolkit installed and it is in your path environment variable.  (Commands such
as cp, echo, mkdir, and rm are required.)

The generated classes will go to the classes directory, and the resulting jar
files will be in the lib directory by default.  You can adjust the output
directory to anything you want by changing the GNUmakefile.

Please refer to the JNLPDownloadServlet guide for more information on the