1 #!/usr/bin/env python
    2 #
    3 # This solution performs all addition and subtraction with Python ints/longs;
    4 # longs have no size limit.
    6 __author__ = 'Matt Eastman'
    8 import string
   11 class CrazyInt(object):
   12   _charset = string.digits + string.uppercase
   13   _max = 0  # replaced after class definition
   15   def __init__(self, value):
   16     self._valid = True
   17     if value is None:
   18       self._valid = False
   19     elif isinstance(value, str):
   20       self._value = 0
   21       negative = value.startswith('-')
   22       if negative:
   23         value = value[1:]
   24       if len(value) >= 36:
   25         self._valid = False
   26         return
   27       base = len(value) + 1
   28       for c in value:
   29         digit = self._charset.find(c)
   30         if digit >= base:
   31           self._valid = False
   32           return
   33         self._value = self._value * base + digit
   34         base -= 1
   35       if negative:
   36         self._value *= -1
   37     elif isinstance(value, (int, long)):
   38       self._value = value
   39       if abs(value) > self._max:
   40         self._valid = False
   41     elif isinstance(value, CrazyInt):
   42       self._value = value._value
   43       self._valid = value._valid
   44     else:
   45       raise TypeError()
   47   def __str__(self):
   48     if not self._valid:
   49       return 'Invalid'
   50     if self._value < 0:
   51       return '-' + str(CrazyInt(-self._value))
   52     out = []
   53     n = self._value
   54     while n:
   55       digit_base = len(out) + 2
   56       n, i = divmod(n, digit_base)
   57       out.insert(0, self._charset[i])
   58     if not out:
   59       out.append('0')
   60     return ''.join(out)
   62   def __add__(self, other):
   63     if not (self._valid and other._valid):
   64       return CrazyInt(None)
   65     return CrazyInt(self._value + other._value)
   67   def __sub__(self, other):
   68     if not (self._valid and other._valid):
   69       return CrazyInt(None)
   70     return CrazyInt(self._value - other._value)
   72   def __neg__(self):
   73     if not self._valid:
   74       return CrazyInt(self)
   75     return CrazyInt(-self._value)
   77 CrazyInt._max = CrazyInt(CrazyInt._charset[1:][::-1])._value
   80 def main():
   81   for _ in xrange(input()):
   82     pieces = raw_input().split()
   83     assert len(pieces) == 3
   84     a = CrazyInt(pieces[0])
   85     b = CrazyInt(pieces[2])
   86     op = pieces[1]
   87     result = CrazyInt(None)
   88     if op == '+': result = a + b
   89     elif op == '-': result = a - b
   90     print result
   92 if __name__ == '__main__':
   93   main()